
I'd fuck me...

I'm convinced that this blog is strictly an outlet to vent about how much I have sweat this summer...it's a lot...and um I'm very active...and I enjoy sweaty activities and events...and it's August the sweatiest month of the year...and I have a job that involves sweating over people's food and panting as I serve it to them...and I never need to shower because I am self-cleaning with sweat. perfect. (j/k)

Okay moving on - last weekend I was all fecking over the place, let's start with NYC: Needed to get a present for my mom's birthday so I decided to go to Barney's where I just happen to find her one of her favorite perfumes - Patchouli Patch by L'Artisan  , yep she's a frickin hippie, gawd mom. Anyway, got some food and more importantly cocktails then decided to stay over at the Chelsea Hotel because we were feeling very Sid & Nancy (me being Sid of course) and actually stayed in that room. v. nice indeed. 

The next night found me and A driving in many a circle attempting to find a restaurant located at Foxwoods...you see the big misconception here is that Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods is NOT in fact connected nope, they are two separate entities approximately 13 mins. away from one another...why the Indians did that I have no clue and it just made for A getting his panties in a huge wad because we were late (lateness is my mode of operandi so i was cool as a cucumber). Nonetheless, we arrived for his friend Jake's b-day dinner, which was lovely, then we we left and continued driving in circles....good times. 

Then Vermont...just look at the pictures. oh. my. god. 


when in rome...

Wearing a very large swath of leopard fabric

Par-tay time!

so partying clearly makes me wanna turn A into a hot tranny mess with a dick on his face and faux tear....
...and apparently he really got into it...something to think about...still thinking...

aw fuck it...

mystical twisty tree branch


baby goat butt!

yep totally b&b'd it...

dude these games have been here since I was born...so good especially since I am a board game master.
okay if I didn't include this shot the boy would've cried - these were hand-picked on his majestical walk in the woods before I woke up [insert awwww's]...yeah yeah barf

I really love the way they tied in the plaid curtain's with the blue tree motif wallpaper and pink chair...takes my breath away...
We decided to drive to the top of this mountain and hike...best. trail. evs. 

Clearly the altitude was affecting Adam's brain because he said was looked/felt bloated (looks like me on a skinny day)... really it's any excuse he can give to take off his clothes.
Plotting to kill me...look at that serial killer face..jesus!

This tree was laying horizontally in our path...

still plotting...

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